It was a great Thanksgiving weekend. I got to hunt ALL weekend (Thursday AM - Saturday PM) and got this 8 point, 150 lbs. Buck first thing Thanksgiving morning. Here's how it went down:
6:00 AM - Daylight was just breaking in and I was just barely beginning to see my food plots when I noticed a deer feeding in the food plot to my North. I grabbed my rifle and scoped out the deer. It was so early that I couldn't even tell what the deer was (doe/buck?). All of the sudden another deer stepped in to the plot and right off the bat I could tell that deer was much bigger than the first, so I strained to see and when the deer picked his head up there was no doubt - He was a buck, and a pretty good one at that. So I took a shot, he was standing facing me and about a quarter rotation away. I couldn't tell if I hit him, so I listened to see if I could hear him crash in the woods. I didn't!
About 6:15 AM - I waited just a few minutes after the shot and I got down from my stand to go and look for some sign of a hit on the deer. It was still so early that I had to use my flashlight just to see good enough to look for blood or hair. I found NOTHING! So I made a few passes in the woods to look for the deer and still NOTHING! By this point I was frustrated and a little upset with myself, that I didn't wait just a few minutes longer for more daylight to make a better shot. So thinking that I missed, and because it was still so early, I decided to climb back up in the stand.
6:30 AM - 7:30 AM - I saw several more deer, including one other buck (small 6 pt.) and then decided to call it a morning.
7:35 AM - Just to clear my head, I decided to make just one more pass over my food plot to see if there was any sign of a hit from the shot I took, now that I had plenty of light to see. I suddenly there it was , two small spots of blood! So I called my Step-Dad and asked him to make his way over to help me track the deer. And, in the meantime, I followed that trail and about 100 yards in the woods I found the Buck!
This is the biggest deer I've ever taken. I was a lot of fun and I cant wait for the season to come back in again in December so I can go after another.