Thursday, February 12, 2009

RCC folks rock!

I have been at RiverTown for 10 months and 11 days so far and suddenly the thought hit me: I have met and been seriously blessed to cross paths with some great folks at RCC! So, just for "something different" sake I'm going to take the rest of this blog to highlight just a FEW of those relationships. If I don't mention you, PLEASE don't be offended, I am merely shooting from the hip and being honest, this is JUST a very small cross section of JUST a few of the awesome folks at RCC.

Pam and Philip Detweiler: What cool, funny people! No one laughs like Philip and NO ONE has quirky habits like Pam. I was there to see Philip take his first deer, and it rocked. P&P make playing cards an awesome time!

Steve and Kim Bailey: They are just hip! Some people just ooze cool. They just have it.

Chris and Mindy Creel: Holy junk Batman! Are there two more amazing people? I think not. I have watched God amazing things in their lives and it just seems like the best is yet to come. That much funny-ness is a crime.

Justin and Hannah Gingerich: Possibly two of the most best leaders I know. Is there anything that these two cant do? Seriously, they just give and give and give. It's humbling and so cool.

Ralph and Mitch Yoder: I totally admire this couple. I just told Julie the other day, "Ralph and Mitch have got to be the most interesting people I know." Their lives intrigue me and challenge me. They have a Godliness that just rocks and a coolness that just reverberates in everything they do.

Wow - like I said, just a cross section. There are so many more people. Maybe I'll do this again soon. Until then - Goodnight and "stay classy RiverTown"!


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